Friday, September 27, 2019

~Life & Peace~

It's been an interesting week. My appointments are set now for my liver biopsy and with U of M. So, soon the ball will be rolling again and I will be back to scheduling treatments and more doctor appointments...oh the joys!

I have enjoyed the treatment time off since July 29th....but at the same time I wanted something to be dealing with the cancer. Of course my prayer and hope is for the cancer to be gone. I don't know Father's plan for my life. Of course I know He didn't bring the cancer on...but I don't know how everything will be dealt with now that it is in stay unless He takes it out.

Some days I'll be rolling along all hunky dory as if I am cancer-free...not a care in the world. Other days it hits hard and I have to fight off negative thoughts.

Today as I was having my Inspirational Time with Father, I read a bible verse that I have read many times. It's neat how you can read a verse or passage many times and each time read it a little differently or apply it a bit differently. 

"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is Life and Peace." Romans 8:6 ESV

What this verse meant to me today is that when I let my mind go to the negative and get all melancholy and funky, it does me no good and just sets me in a darker mood or simple depression and my focus gets all blurry. My mind gets bogged down with a fog that won't lift...not physical death but mental and emotional death.

When I set my mind on the Holy Spirit I have Life and Peace. When I focus on what He is all about...Life...Truth...Trust...Hope...He guides and counsels me...When I set my mind on the Holy Spirit my mind and soul have Joy.

Daily, I must turn my mind and soul over to the Holy Spirit...every morning before my day begins...THAT is how I will have Life and Peace...and His peace is that Crazy Peace that you don't understand until you have it! It is a Peace I never want to be is all consuming! 

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Phil. 4:8-9 ESV

That verse, those commands...I don't want to call them suggestions, commands may be a little more "tough" but Paul knew what he was talking about...He was pretty experienced in life...and life apart that verse...we are to keep our minds on all of those attributes...and you know what??? When we do...we will be keeping our minds...I will be keeping my mind....on the Holy Spirit...and will have Life and Peace!

Blessings to you!

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