Monday, April 6, 2020

Hello. The following are some real thoughts from our beloved writer's husband:

In the Gospel of John, chapter 13, we read about Jesus washing His disciples' feet just before the Passover Feast. Soon Jesus will be arrested and then crucified.

The bible says: “Having loved his own who were in the world, He now showed them the full extent of His love.”  - John 13:1b

Jesus took on the form of a servant, wrapped the humble servant towel around His waist and began to wash the feet of these leaders, the 12 who had walked close with HIM sharing ministry with HIM. He began to wash feet.
-          He knew Judas was in the midst of carrying out betrayal
-          Simon Peter was overconfident and prideful and would deny Him
-          And that the others would become afraid and leave Him in His hour of need

Jesus washed feet. Take some time and read this passage and reflect on Jesus washing feet. In addition to washing feet, He said:

          “Do you understand what I have done for you?” He asked them. “You call me teacher and                    Lord, and rightly so for that is what I am. Now that I, your Teacher, have washed your feet,                  you also should wash one another’s feetI have set an example that you should do as I have               done for you.”  John 13:12-15

Washing feet is to love when it’s hard, to act in mercy and compassion without expectation or condition, and is done with humility and service in love.

My bride and I have walked together following Jesus for 32 years. We have grown spiritually in our relationship in the LORD Jesus and together. We have failed one another and forgiven one another. My bride has taught me to wash feet. She would tell you that she was called and had a passion to be a pastor’s wife. She is not your typical pastor’s wife. She has always found ways to love others and walk with people helping them to see and know more of Jesus.

She has held me in times of despair, spoken to me in love when I was wrong and encouraged me in ways to boost my spirit when it was necessary. She has always prayed for me and brought things to the LORD , even burdens and content of others I carried that couldn't be disclosed. She has helped me be a better father and often served our family in many sacrificial ways. I could go on but for now I will move on.

My bride’s battle with cancer has been hard; she has shared the Journey with all of you here. Her desire has been to use her journey to help others on their walks journeys of their own. She gets a bright twinkle in her eyes when she is able to help someone experience the Crazy Peace of Jesus as she does.

As this year began, my bride began to struggle much more physically. By the second week of March we both knew things going to become even harder. By then I was helping her to even stand.  We began to talk about all kinds of things. At one point my bride even said, "I am sorry you have to do all this for me." My first thought was an image in my mind from John 13 and I responded: "I'm honored to wash your feet." As hard as it is and as difficult as it is these are the most intimate days I have had with my bride of 32 years.

Jesus said: "do you see what I have done for you so you must wash one another’s feet. This is Love."

My bride and I are so thankful for the Cross, for Jesus for the Hope and peace we have in HIM and for God’s goodness and faithfulness. My heart hurts and is filled with hope at the same time because I know it is likely my bride will soon be dancing with the saints in glory.

- Just a husband being real. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

~Fall Back Friday~

Friday was not a good day....

My left hand is still mostly crippled. I try to make it do things. Friday I was going to make tuna fish for lunch. I propped the can between my fingers trying to make them hold the can. I held the can opener with my right hand adjusting the can lid. I began to crank the handle. I have been in car accidents and all but the thing that happened next truly frightened me. My left arm acted like it was having a seizure. Something spasmed hard all the way to my hand. My fingers curled up, my hand went like dead weight. I looked up and in my head to Father I said, "no, Lord". He knew I meant I didn't want a crippled dead weight hand. I couldn't un-curl my fingers and my hand just hung there. After what seemed like forever (only about 3 minutes), my arm stopped an I pried my fingers open with my right hand fingers.

I called my oncologist's office and they told me to go to ER. The ER doctor ran blood tests to check various levels of things. All came back good.

So, now I still have a mostly non-functioning left hand...very frustrating! But there is feeling in all of it and no pain in it. I have ordered a lymphonemia sleeve to hopefully work things out in my arm and hand.

Please pray with me for healing in my left hand. I would love to have working fingers. I make them do things like fold laundry but meal making and many tasks are next to impossible. I also make the hand work for doing dishes. My index finger and thumb barely move.

In all honesty, cancer is low on the totem pole for caring about. I'd rather have working fingers.

Thank you for your prayers!

Thursday, February 20, 2020


"The devil attacks our assignment for God. He isn't attacking because of what we have done but what we are about to do for God. "--Grace for Purpose

Sitting with you as I sip my Irish Breakfast tea...asking Father to speak through me what He wants me to share with you. 

As a Jesus follower you have an assignment for God. We all have individual assignments as we are all individuals.That sounds really simply worded. It is.

As we study His Word more, spend time listening to Him, communing with Him, and spending time with other Jesus followers, we will learn our assignment.
The devil cannot go before us to know our assignment. He attacks as we begin. He will do all he can to discourage us. We must learn to stand firm as in Ephesians 4:6:10-19. With each piece of armor, Stand firm! Prepare for his attacks. God gives you everything you need to fight the devil and be a warrior for Him.

Ask God what your assignment is...being that faithful friend, that prayer warrior, that encouraging person, that mouth piece for those who can't speak for themselves, a witness sharing your life story, a missionary at work, school, or overseas...ask Father. There area variety of assignments.

When you ask, prepare your heart, mind, and soul. Be on guard with Father. He is there for you! 

I am encouraged as you take on your assignment Mighty Warrior In Jesus!


Saturday, February 15, 2020

~His Eye is on Gidget~

Sipping water we share...

Last week I held my 15 year old lovebird, Bubba, as he passed away(they can live 10 to 15 years). He and his sister Gidget lived together all of his life. I remember back in February of 2005, I just had to have these two beautiful peach faced love birds.

So there I sat, holding Bubba in my right hand...crying...but crying for Gidget Sure I'd miss this little acrobatic noisy little guy but poor Gidget would be "flying solo" now.

I talked to him as he closed his eyes and I would take him to Gidget and show him to her as I tried to comfort them both in his passing. I talked to him and pet him and let them see each other during the next 2 or more hours.

He tried to fly one last time then he opened his eyes wide, looked at me and chirped. I took him to Gidget again. He looked  at her and gave her one last chirp. This may sound silly but before my husband left from having lunch, Bubba gave him one last look. 

My husband left, I said a few things to Bubba and he was gone. This may sound really ridiculous but I sobbed. I sobbed for Gidget. I mean I sobbed. I talked with her as she looked confused. Then I did something you may think is real odd. I thought of the hymn "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and I prayed for Gidget to be comforted. I told Father, "well it says in the bible that you even care about the birds. Gidget has to be so sad an confused." I prayed for her on and off the next couple of days.

I say all of this to tell you that no prayer is silly. Father loves each of us dearly and He cares about what we care about. He knows I know that there are much more intense things to pray about but He also knows that I am an animal lover and my heart hurt for Gidget.

No prayer is too simple or silly.He hears the cry of our heart, has compassion, and reaches out to us in love. Talk to Him about ANY care on your heart. He is our Daddy and wants child-like trust in Him. No prayer goes unheard and all of our conversations to Daddy are important to Him.

On aside note...Gidget is doing well, talks to herself and me and enjoys her mirror.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monday/Tuesday Update

It's been a while....

I am frustrated as my index finger on my left hand barely moves so I am using my right hand to type. I do thank Jesus that it works.

There isn't much to say but I haven't communicated in a while so I thought I would.

First of all thank you for your prayers. So far I am handling my new chemo med fine. I just take an anti nausea pill. My issue is my left hand an pain in my right arm. Things would be just peachy if my hand worked and I  had no pain.

I see my oncologist the 26th for a check to see how I am doing.

This is brief but typing is a challenge.

I appreciate your encouragement and covet your prayers. Thanks so much!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

~Monday Update Tuesday~

Cold water is gooood! I am sipping it as I talk with you...

My left hand still has issues. The numbness in my fingertips is improving. My right arm still has pain. I am alive!

The appointment with my oncologist went well last Wednesday. She confirmed the results of my CT scan...that there wasn't change in my lungs but that the tumor in my liver went from 3.9 cm to 5.5 cm and I grew a new one of 1 cm. She said that meant that the med I was on wasn't working.

I will be on a new med when all is worked out. It is very expensive and will have come from a specialty pharmacy. I will need to work with financing it too.
When I get on it, hopefully it will work. The drug is called Olaparib.

So I am waiting to get the new med started. I have moments of my hand not moving well and the sore arm. I gripe to God about it but always end up thanking Him that I am alive! I also thank Him for any improvements. When my arm pains and my hand doesn't  function properly, I don't feel like doing anything and get frustrated.

I pray for a energetic brain and body. I get tired of a foggy sleepy brain. Sometimes when I talk to people it's all I can do to concentrate on the conversation. I don't really feel like I am there. I remember to smile and look the part though (grins).

That's about it for now...thanks for your prayers and encouragement!

Friday, January 24, 2020


Sipping my cold water as I share with you...

"Fasting from any nourishment, activity, involvement, or pursuit -for any season-sets the stage for God to appear"--Dan B. Allender

You guessed it, we are going to be talking about fasting. I don't hear it talked of often and as I look back  through the Old Testament, fasting was simply something they did and even in the New Testament.

Fasting is not commanded as Jesus said, "And when you fast..." Matthew 6:16 and in 6:18 "that your fasting." Jesus knew it was a godly practice. He fasted for 40 days (Matthew 4:2) 

Why should we fast? Well, let's look at that question posed by people asking Jesus... Now John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. And people came and said to him, “Why do John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?”...good question...and here is Jesus' response...19 And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. 20 The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day. (Mark 2:18-20). That speaks to me! It says that fasting sets the stage for God to appear. That is WHY we fast. There is nothing in the way as we fast and Father can appear.

How do we fast? Fast from anything that can occupy your time with, technology, people...and fast for a specific time period. During your fasting time, totally focus on God, scriptures, talking to God (verbally or in a journal), sit quietly and listen...if fasting is new to you, you may want to start out for a shorter period of time like fasting during what would be your breakfast and lunch time or if breaking from technology try 3 hours or so...starting small won't discourage you and then you can always increase as this becomes habit.

How often should you fast? I suggest once a week. Talk  to Father about it.

When you fast, don't tell people you're going to fast. That is between you and Father. I encourage you to fast. It's biblical and something a Jesus follower should be doing. It's Old Testament, New Testament, and Now!

And when you fast it sets the stage for God to appear. I encourage you to set aside this time! I believe you will begin to experience a newness with Jesus!
