Friday, January 24, 2020


Sipping my cold water as I share with you...

"Fasting from any nourishment, activity, involvement, or pursuit -for any season-sets the stage for God to appear"--Dan B. Allender

You guessed it, we are going to be talking about fasting. I don't hear it talked of often and as I look back  through the Old Testament, fasting was simply something they did and even in the New Testament.

Fasting is not commanded as Jesus said, "And when you fast..." Matthew 6:16 and in 6:18 "that your fasting." Jesus knew it was a godly practice. He fasted for 40 days (Matthew 4:2) 

Why should we fast? Well, let's look at that question posed by people asking Jesus... Now John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. And people came and said to him, “Why do John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?”...good question...and here is Jesus' response...19 And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. 20 The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day. (Mark 2:18-20). That speaks to me! It says that fasting sets the stage for God to appear. That is WHY we fast. There is nothing in the way as we fast and Father can appear.

How do we fast? Fast from anything that can occupy your time with, technology, people...and fast for a specific time period. During your fasting time, totally focus on God, scriptures, talking to God (verbally or in a journal), sit quietly and listen...if fasting is new to you, you may want to start out for a shorter period of time like fasting during what would be your breakfast and lunch time or if breaking from technology try 3 hours or so...starting small won't discourage you and then you can always increase as this becomes habit.

How often should you fast? I suggest once a week. Talk  to Father about it.

When you fast, don't tell people you're going to fast. That is between you and Father. I encourage you to fast. It's biblical and something a Jesus follower should be doing. It's Old Testament, New Testament, and Now!

And when you fast it sets the stage for God to appear. I encourage you to set aside this time! I believe you will begin to experience a newness with Jesus!


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