Tuesday, July 9, 2019

~Update and More~

It seems to take a bit longer for things to "normalize" in my body after the two week treatments. For some reason chemo likes my knees. It seems to settle there making my knees give in at times...even during my free weeks. I believe I have forgotten what feeling "woo hoo" good feels like. Mind you, I am not complaining...just stating (smiles).

During my last appointment with my oncologist, I received some new information. I have just one more round of the treatments like I have been having. I will have my hellish treatment Monday, July 22 and my more tolerable treatment Monday, July 29. THEN I will have a lovely break...I will have 4 or 5 weeks chemo free! During that time I will have another PET scan to see what has been going on inside me. In my calculations, I won't have treatment until sometime after Labor Day (maybe I get that full Labor Day week off???) Anyhow, during my last appointment, my oncologist excitedly told me she wants to try immunotherapy next. I am honestly pretty clueless as to what this involves. I know they will take samples from my biopsies from my bronchoscopy (that they hopefully still have) and figure something out from there as to my next treatments. I will know more when I see my oncologist again.

This week and next will be good weeks. As you know, I take them moment by moment. It's the way to enjoy life! I don't want to rush them! After my last two treatments, (and I don't want to rush to get to them either), I will so enjoy my month or more of freedom! 

Thank you again to those who pray for me and encourage me. Sometimes this adventure that I am on simply seems surreal...then I deal with a treatment (grins). I mostly feel like this is something I will endure...not knowing of course just HOW  I will endure it...meaning...treatments and all.

We don't choose our lives. We make choices during our lives but some things are beyond our choice-making. Would I have chosen to have a brain tumor back in 2011? No. Would I have chosen to have breast cancer in 2015? No. Would I have chosen to have secondary breast cancer now? No. No one wants to have health issues. I have choices to make in having cancer again. I can choose to wallow in self pity. I can choose anger. I can choose to keep a positive outlook knowing that I have friend and family support and that Jesus is there with me through all of this. 

I can choose to take life slowly and capture moments. I can choose to find things to smile about. I can choose joy! Peace, the peace I talk about, is from Jesus. I don't see it as choosing His Peace, I see that as when I have a relationship with Him that Peace is part of the relationship...Crazy Peace...Peace that isn't understood until you have it. I really don't know what I would do if I wasn't a Jesus follower.

When things get difficult with my cancer, all I have to do is say His name, "Jesus", and there is comfort. His name is strong! His name is powerful! So, yes, there are choices we all have in life. We can be bitter...angry...apathetic...joyful...positive...

So, when I lose balance from dizziness or chemo in my knees, I honestly laugh (out loud) and thank Jesus that I can still walk. Every day I thank Him that I am alive and enjoying my family. He knows that I want to be here for my family having a long and healthy life. He knows my heart cries!

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