Thursday, January 9, 2020

~Missing Peace~

Sipping nice cold water here...asking Father what we will write today...

Have you ever missed peace? I know my other blog was called Crazy Peace...about that peace that Paul talks about in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Peace, God's peace cannot be fully understood until you experience it.

Have you had that peace? So you know how awesome it you can simply rest easy in the loving care of Father. It is so inexpressibly wonderful. But what happens when that peace slips away? What caused it to slip away? Thoughts of worry? Doubt? Fears? These things can all slowly creep into your heart, mind, and soul. 

You could be going along fine resting in Jesus and out of no where comes a gripping fear thought. What if? Or a doubt shoots your mind. I wonder what will happen...Or worry...How will I? The devil is a peace robber. He knows right where to attack. Jesus reminds us in John 16:33 that he has overcome anything that destroys our peace.

So how do we get that peace back? It can be a struggle if we are caught up in negative thoughts. We need to pray away those thoughts. I am not saying this is easy peasy...often it is a real struggle to get rid of these negatives. We need to come  to  Jesus and ask Him to renew our mind...wash out any fear, doubt, or worry. Pray using the power of His blood. His blood is mighty powerful...pray, "Jesus by the power of your  mighty blood...cleanse my thoughts...take captive every thought and make it pleasing to You." As I said, you may need to repeat this prayer or a similar prayer often. Pray as often as you need. Our Father NEVER tires of us coming to Him sincerely. He wants us to come to Him!

Pray for His Crazy Peace to be restored in your mind,  heart, and soul. Also pray for His Joy to fill you! When we are full of His Peace and Joy there is no room for the other negatives.

My prayer is that you continue on in His Peace and Joy!


This song may speak to your soul...listen and see...

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