Thursday, January 2, 2020


I sit sipping water as I talk with you...

So many are talking about the new year and resolutions. Honestly, to me that gets trite. Resolutions are "has beens". People make them, set out to honestly keep them, and then as time passes they are forgotten.

Why not begin each day with a resolution? You can begin fresh every  day. You don't have to have some long standing promise to keep to yourself. You can have a daily promise to keep to yourself.

What if each day you begin by simply taking time to be with the Three. No, this isn't your daily resolution this is a daily MUST do! You begin your day, when your mind is cleared of all of your daily "musts". Clearing it sets your mind and heart free to really listen to Father and to really focus on Him. Okay, so you have begun your day with the Three; what now?

Have in mind a daily time of scripture. Don't just read all willie nillie...hunting for a passage every day. Perhaps study a book of the bible. Really dig in to it. Focus on every word. All scripture is God breathed so take in His breath. Maybe memorize some of the passages. Memorizing scripture gives us our ability to stand up against the I highly recommend memorizing it.

Next during your daily time, focus on the to them...maybe write in your journal (I highly recommend keeping a journal) your prayers to Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. Writing in your journal is also good to express your thoughts and what you take away from your scripture reading.

After you have spent time in the Word and talking and listening to the Three, it's time to sort out your daily resolution. Maybe it will be not to complain all day. Maybe it will be to not be "tone-y" with your spouse, kids, or co-worker. Maybe it will be to look for a person who needs cheering up. Maybe it will be spending the day with the Three. There are so many things you could come up with for your daily resolutions. 

Yearly resolutions are all fine and dandy but as I said, they are often forgotten soon into the new year. It's much more rewarding to set a daily resolution as you get more immediate results. I want to encourage you to take this on...begin your day with the Three...then decide what your daily resolution will be and fulfill it. My guess is that you will feel much more joy as you meet that daily "goal".


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